Laurence blogs
dinsdag 26 juli 2011 00:19 |
Anne is dressed in Fanfare pink, yellow and green. Her blonde curls have been bleached even lighter by the sun. The woman she is with is wearing a long black dress and a white headscarf. They’re walking hand in hand. Following behind them, I’m touched by the wordless warmth of their simple human contact .
We’re in Abu Dis. A suburb of Jerusalem, it’s now completely fenced in by the Separation Wall, otherwise known as the Apartheid Wall. The centre of Jerusalem was once a fifteen-minute walk away. Now it’s impossible for the Palestinian residents of Abu Dis to ever go there. At a stroke they were cut off from family, friends and the entire life of the city that means so much to them.
We’re on our way to play in front of the Wall, after a spontaneous party that broke out at the end of our visit to the Vision Center for Culture and Arts. On the way, Anne’s companion joined us from the side of the road, pleased and proud to be with us. Together they walk to the Wall. Hand in hand. |